Posts Tagged: NASA

The RBSP Satellites recording the sound of Earth’s Chorus and Hunting for Killer Electrons!!!

NASA’s latest space based scientific instrument may also be a radiation rock stars, recording the Earths Song and sending it to the top of the YouTube charts. Launched August 2012 the twin RBSP satellites (Radiation Belt Storm Probes) have been

The RBSP Satellites recording the sound of Earth’s Chorus and Hunting for Killer Electrons!!!

NASA’s latest space based scientific instrument may also be a radiation rock stars, recording the Earths Song and sending it to the top of the YouTube charts. Launched August 2012 the twin RBSP satellites (Radiation Belt Storm Probes) have been

NASA's Curiosity. A Grand Entrance Presented by Wil Wheaton or William Shatner….

Earth’s latest emissary in space is about to touch down, destination Mars. Curiosity has traveled 557 million kilometers in 8 months (launched November 2011) only to be perched delicately in space ready for 7 minutes of terror, the descent to

NASA's Curiosity. A Grand Entrance Presented by Wil Wheaton or William Shatner….

Earth’s latest emissary in space is about to touch down, destination Mars. Curiosity has traveled 557 million kilometers in 8 months (launched November 2011) only to be perched delicately in space ready for 7 minutes of terror, the descent to

NASA ISS Timelapse, Looking Down from the Heavens…

The International Space Station, humanities only space based outpost is captivating at 27,000 km/h, especially the view outside. Knate Myers is the latest videographer to give the ISS photographs the timelapse treatment. producing a remarkable view looking down from heaven.

NASA ISS Timelapse, Looking Down from the Heavens…

The International Space Station, humanities only space based outpost is captivating at 27,000 km/h, especially the view outside. Knate Myers is the latest videographer to give the ISS photographs the timelapse treatment. producing a remarkable view looking down from heaven.

The Voyager Deep Space Update…

Humanities only interstellar ambassadors, the Voyager spacecraft, are on the verge of entering deep space. NASA has previously predicted that Voyager 1 would make the transition to deep space sometime during 2012 or 2013, now instruments on-board Voyager 1 suggest

The Voyager Deep Space Update…

Humanities only interstellar ambassadors, the Voyager spacecraft, are on the verge of entering deep space. NASA has previously predicted that Voyager 1 would make the transition to deep space sometime during 2012 or 2013, now instruments on-board Voyager 1 suggest

When Galaxies Collide, The Milky Way and Andromeda on Collision Course…

Scientists have this week announced the Milky Way and Andromeda are on collision course! If no action is taken, if courses aren’t corrected, in four billion years from now a new apocalypse will approach. Andromeda, The Milky Way’s nearest galactic

When Galaxies Collide, The Milky Way and Andromeda on Collision Course…

Scientists have this week announced the Milky Way and Andromeda are on collision course! If no action is taken, if courses aren’t corrected, in four billion years from now a new apocalypse will approach. Andromeda, The Milky Way’s nearest galactic

Solar Maximum Update. Sunspot AR1476 Visible Without A Telescope…

The build-up to the first ever Solar Maximum recorded in digital, and 3D, is well underway. The latest solar storm to capture the worlds attention is AR1476. At 60,000 miles or  100,000 kilometres across AR1476 is a sunspot of immense

Solar Maximum Update. Sunspot AR1476 Visible Without A Telescope…

The build-up to the first ever Solar Maximum recorded in digital, and 3D, is well underway. The latest solar storm to capture the worlds attention is AR1476. At 60,000 miles or  100,000 kilometres across AR1476 is a sunspot of immense

The Sun’s Four Pole Magnetic Field, Solar Pole Shift And The New Little Ice Age…

The Sun, the light at the centre of our solar system is fast approaching the end of its 11 year solar cycle. With the height of solar activity reached, the solar maximum, is it now time for our Sun to

The Sun’s Four Pole Magnetic Field, Solar Pole Shift And The New Little Ice Age…

The Sun, the light at the centre of our solar system is fast approaching the end of its 11 year solar cycle. With the height of solar activity reached, the solar maximum, is it now time for our Sun to

Hubble Space Telescopes Birthday. Birthday Cake In Space….

April 22nd 2012,  a non-descript day for many, but for one orbiting telescope, and her ground crew, this is a very special day, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope will celebrate her 22nd birthday. With 22 years of outstanding contribution to scientific

Hubble Space Telescopes Birthday. Birthday Cake In Space….

April 22nd 2012,  a non-descript day for many, but for one orbiting telescope, and her ground crew, this is a very special day, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope will celebrate her 22nd birthday. With 22 years of outstanding contribution to scientific

SDO's Second Birthday, The Solar Tornado and The Approaching Solar Maximum in 2013

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory – SDO – permanently keeps one eye open looking at the Sun, even on its second birthday. To celebrate two years of duty NASA has released incredible footage from our solar spy in the sky, the

SDO's Second Birthday, The Solar Tornado and The Approaching Solar Maximum in 2013

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory – SDO – permanently keeps one eye open looking at the Sun, even on its second birthday. To celebrate two years of duty NASA has released incredible footage from our solar spy in the sky, the

NASA’s Suomi NPP Satellite And The Two 'Blue Marble' Images Stun The World!!!

Recently NASA released a photo that captured the world’s attention. The Blue Marble was that photo, an extremely high resolution photo of the Earths western hemisphere. With the whole face of the planet in frame and with incredible detail the

NASA’s Suomi NPP Satellite And The Two 'Blue Marble' Images Stun The World!!!

Recently NASA released a photo that captured the world’s attention. The Blue Marble was that photo, an extremely high resolution photo of the Earths western hemisphere. With the whole face of the planet in frame and with incredible detail the

Moon Base Alpha 2020, The Moon Base International

Moon Base Alpha, the dream of astrophysicists and science fiction fans alike may have moved one step closer to reality, thanks to a few bottles of vodka. The Russian space agency Roscosmos has recently invited it’s international brothers NASA and

Moon Base Alpha 2020, The Moon Base International

Moon Base Alpha, the dream of astrophysicists and science fiction fans alike may have moved one step closer to reality, thanks to a few bottles of vodka. The Russian space agency Roscosmos has recently invited it’s international brothers NASA and

NASA X-37B Space Plane MIA. High Flying Spy In The Sky, Next Generation Research Tool or Weapons Platform?!

The X-37B, a Space Plane with many masters, a true multi-purpose platform jointly developed by NASA, Boeing, DARPA, the US Air Force and more widely the US Defense Department. Starting life as the Space Shuttle utility belt the X-37B has

NASA X-37B Space Plane MIA. High Flying Spy In The Sky, Next Generation Research Tool or Weapons Platform?!

The X-37B, a Space Plane with many masters, a true multi-purpose platform jointly developed by NASA, Boeing, DARPA, the US Air Force and more widely the US Defense Department. Starting life as the Space Shuttle utility belt the X-37B has

The Industrial Revolution in Space: Made In Space

The industrial revolution has changed every aspect of life in the last 200 years, now it is moving on to the final frontier, Space. Made In Space – MIS -, is a recent entrant into the race to manufacture in

The Industrial Revolution in Space: Made In Space

The industrial revolution has changed every aspect of life in the last 200 years, now it is moving on to the final frontier, Space. Made In Space – MIS -, is a recent entrant into the race to manufacture in

Solar Dynamics Observatory, Rubber Chickens stearing at the Sun

The satellites and space craft that we launch to observe our world are our eyes and ears in space. Advances in satellites pointed at the Sun have been enormous over the last decade. The latest satellite gathering solar information is

Solar Dynamics Observatory, Rubber Chickens stearing at the Sun

The satellites and space craft that we launch to observe our world are our eyes and ears in space. Advances in satellites pointed at the Sun have been enormous over the last decade. The latest satellite gathering solar information is

NASA's Kepler Discovers Planet Darkness

NASA’s Kepler satellite, also known as the planet hunter has found a planet that is particularly unusual, TrES-2b holds claim to being the darkest planet ever found. Darker than coal, blacker than black acrylic paint and with a constant temperature

NASA's Kepler Discovers Planet Darkness

NASA’s Kepler satellite, also known as the planet hunter has found a planet that is particularly unusual, TrES-2b holds claim to being the darkest planet ever found. Darker than coal, blacker than black acrylic paint and with a constant temperature

Mother Earth, The Sun is Not Your Father

After much number crunching and analysis NASA boffins have announced the Sun is not our Father. Data returned by NASA’s Genesis space craft and analyzed around the world suggests that Sun and Earth were formed separately. Like a giant paternity

Mother Earth, The Sun is Not Your Father

After much number crunching and analysis NASA boffins have announced the Sun is not our Father. Data returned by NASA’s Genesis space craft and analyzed around the world suggests that Sun and Earth were formed separately. Like a giant paternity

Voyager – Deep Space

In the cold dark recesses of space  a single mission carries the torch for humanity. Voyager 1 and 2 are soon to leave the solar system completely, entering deep space with its sensors being our eye’s and ears. Will they

Voyager – Deep Space

In the cold dark recesses of space  a single mission carries the torch for humanity. Voyager 1 and 2 are soon to leave the solar system completely, entering deep space with its sensors being our eye’s and ears. Will they

Solar Flares, a Slap in the Face From Space

Don’t stare at the sun, it’ll blow your head off With the solar maximum of 2012 building up the sun is putting on quite a show for us all. The sun, our all gas jolly giant is due to reach

Solar Flares, a Slap in the Face From Space

Don’t stare at the sun, it’ll blow your head off With the solar maximum of 2012 building up the sun is putting on quite a show for us all. The sun, our all gas jolly giant is due to reach